By Prashant Jain
My favourite teacher is my boarding school in-charge sir, Sunil sir. He is not on Facebook but in my heart and pictures 🙂
I was among few fortunate students to find a golden heart teacher in a boarding school.
I still remember when I was new to boarding school, crying and missing my parents a lot , he came and hugged me and said “Don’t cry child. For your bright future your parents have kept you in a boarding school. Just study with your full heart and make them proud. Here, we are your family!”
He used to take care of boarding as well as teach math.
He is gentleman with a penchant for the well timed joke!!!
I was the only science student in boarding. Others were all day scholars. So I found it difficult to understand physics. Once I had my first physics test. I was tensed and nervous and literally broke down. He sensed my problem. When I told him I was not understanding physics chapters, he gave me special tuitions after school hours and I was amazed to see how knowledgeable he was. Being a math teacher he had very good hold on physics topics too! He made my concepts crystal clear in 2 days and I scored very well in the test. J
His humanity and his choice to share it taught me that a good person who does a good job does not have to be in inaccessible or perfect, that life is both brilliant and disappointing, that it can be successfully navigated and that every day is an opportunity.
His looks match his heart. He was simply exquisite inside out. They say it takes a big heart to grow little minds and this is what inspires me. He taught me from his heart and not from books. He is best because he brought out the best in me. He was like a fatherly figure to me. During our boards exams he used to prepare fruit juice for all the 12th hostel boys. And I can’t forget his Maggie. Though it was not allowed in boarding school he used to still cook it for our gang sometimes J
After my 12th final exam when I was leaving boarding school after 10 long years, he had tears in his eyes 🙁 I still meet him whenever I go to boarding school.
Thank you, Sir
For acting like a father and friend,
Finding time to teach me
Chapters hard to comprehend,
Thank you for your caring nature
Which made me a responsible creature,
Teaching me what is wrong and right
Infused my life with motivation, energy and pure light,
Refined my talent and skill
Gave wings to my dreams to fulfill!!!

By Sujata Biswas
My story is all about an inspiring teacher and also my mother-in-law. It is an unusual school in an unusual location and is also run by an unusual teacher.
She left her high school job in the city and joined a primary school in a village for the enlistment of the unprivileged girl students. In her school she teaches students from the nearby village and slums. A cheerful, positive and encouraging lady, who donated the entire amount she got during her retirement for establishment of the school’s 1st library and the welfare of her school.
She always says that these children are very talented. They just need support and guidance. If they are given the same opportunities and facilities like mainstream kids, they too can do wonders.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get the opportunity to get her as a teacher in my school but as the best mom-in-law, she has taught me the valuable lessons of Life. I thank her every day for that.

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