Best Occasions for a Gift Card!!

What’s the best occasion for a gift card? Will any occasion do or does it have to be something special? We’ve explored a few common and special occasions here to give you an idea.


A birthday is always special, to the birthday boy or girl and to their friends and family. A beautifully packaged gift card with all the power of choice and the flexibility it brings is the ideal gift choice for a birthday.


An anniversary, especially a wedding anniversary is an occasion for two people to celebrate their oneness and happiness. A gift card gives both people the opportunity to jointly shop for the product that they both like. Plus, a gift card liberates the giver’s need to personally select a common gift for both or two separate gifts for the couple.


Whether it’s one of the great festivals of India or a fun festival like Valentine’s Day, a gift card is the ideal option. Again, it’s about the recipient’s freedom of choice. It’s also about the opportunity to gift something expensive like jewelry for a festival. With a gift card, security is not a concern.

Life Achievements

Everyone has several special occasions, days on which specific achievements take place. Think of a job promotion, a graduation, a son or daughter’s first job and so on. Each occasion is perfect for a gift card, to let the recipient know how proud you are of their achievement.

Gift Cards as Business Gifts

Buying something for a business partner, client or loyal customer is always dicey. You want the gift to be impersonal, tasteful and yet professional. With a Woohoo gift card, you no longer have to worry about the appropriateness of your selection. You don’t have to worry about client satisfaction either! Your gift card gives them the freedom of choice, freeing you from all worries.


How does a Gift Card work?

We’ve all heard about using gift cards in lieu of gifts, but how do they work? What does one do to buy them and how are they redeemed? How smooth is the entire process?

The Sender buys the Gift Card

The gift sender logs on to the brand company’s site or the gift card site to purchase the card. He or she chooses a card denomination, provides the recipient’s address, a personal gift message and chooses whether to gift wrap the card or not.

The Gift Card company does most of the work

The gift card company issues a plastic gift card with a barcode at the back. The company loads the card with the denomination value paid for by the sender. The company then personalizes the gift package as specified by the sender, such as including a greeting card, a personal message, gift packing and so on. When all this is done, the gift card company couriers the gift card to the recipient’s address.

The Recipient receives the Gift Card

The recipient receives the card via courier, within 7 days of the date of purchase. All gift cards have specific terms of validity, which will be printed on the card. The recipient can redeem the card’s value on products, either from the brand’s online store or from the physical store.

There’s no limitation on the number of purchases the recipient can make on the card, as long as the purchases are within the card’s value. Some brands allow gift card recipients to recharge their cards with additional value and use them to buy more items and enjoy discounts and special offers. provides the most convenient online platform to send gift cards, vouchers and gift certificates across India.


How to use a Gift Card?

If you’re the lucky recipient of a gift card, how do you use it? A gift card can open the doors to a long and satisfying relationship with a brand. Be sure to check all your options.

Check the card validity and Terms of Use

Your card’s validity and terms of use will be printed on it, or in the attached document. Be sure to read the fine print and use the card before it expires.

Find out if you can Shop Online

Many brands are available online. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by finding out if there’s an online store, and shop from the comfort of your own home.

Explore the Stores close to your Home

If there are several stores that accept your gift card, check a few of them out. Do all of them stock the same variety of goods? Shop at the store that offers you the greatest return on your card.

Window Shop for the right product

Check out a few products and decide where you want to invest your gift money. If you buy something on impulse and then see something that you really want, you’ll regret your purchase.

One-time Purchase or Multiple visits?

Do you want to spend your card’s entire value in a single shopping trip? Or do you want to drag out the pleasure for multiple trips? Make this decision based on your card’s value and the price of the items you want.

Send a Thank You note to the Sender

Don’t forget to pen a sweet thank you note to the sender! Thank him or her for the gift card and the great shopping experience. Enjoy your gift card! provides the most convenient online platform to send gift cards, vouchers and gift certificates across India.


How to Buy a Gift Card?

If you haven’t considered buying a gift card in place of a gift yet, here’s how you go about buying a gift card for someone.

Finding the Right occasion for a Gift Card

Almost all occasions are perfect for a gift card, except those occasions that only call for small tokens. If you’re investing a considerable denomination, consider an occasion that’s very important to your recipients. It could be their wedding anniversary, or the housewarming function of their first home. The bigger the occasion, the more benefit your recipient can glean from your gift card.

Understanding your gift recipient’s likes and dislikes

Is there any point in gifting a Landmark gift card to someone who has no interest in books or music? Check with your common friends and even go back to your previous conversations with the recipient. You will hit upon the right gift idea.

Choosing the Right Brand

Choose a brand that has an excellent reputation, a good range of quality items and great customer service. Remember, you’re choosing a gift card because you’re also gifting the shopping experience. So pick a brand whose stores offer a great shopping experience for your gift recipient.

Choosing the Right Denomination

Find out the cost of the least expensive item at your chosen brand and multiply that value by 3. This forms a decent denomination for your gift card, and allows your recipient to shop several times.

Adding the Right Personal Message

Include a personal message that conveys your intent or feeling. Keep your message respectful and impersonal for clients and partners, loving and sweet for friends, sentimental for family and so on. Your message is part of your gift. provides the most convenient online platform to send gift cards, vouchers and gift certificates across India.


A gift of space travel

News has it that Katy Perry, well known American singer, actress and songwriter has unique and unheard-of-before birthday gift ideas. For her husband British comedian Russell Brand’s 35th birthday, Katy Perry eschewed all the usual gift ideas for men, and gifted him a space trip worth $200,000 instead.

It’s Outer Space Or Nothing Else!

For her, it’s all about making a magnificent gesture, something that her husband will remember for a lifetime, even after all his cologne bottles are over. Apparently Russell Brand will have to undergo a few days of intense training to be fit to get into a space shuttle. Then he’s off on his Virgin Galactic mission, straight up to a height of 365,000ft into the pitchy black of outer space.

Russell Brand To Defy Gravity And Float In Space

John F Kennedy remarked that stepping on the moon was a “Small step for man but a great step for mankind”. We wonder what he would have said for this magnificent gift of a space trip if he were still alive! Russell Brand will be one of the lucky ones to view the earth from a distance of 800 miles via the 17-inch diameter windows, What’s more, Mr. Brand will also be allowed to float weightlessly and defy gravity for all of 5 minutes up there.

Gift Someone You Love The Chance To Fly Free

How can you beat this gift of space travel? Why, by gifting your own version of it, of course! Go to and buy a gift card from for someone who loves to travel. Help him or her to achieve their dream of flying free, traveling to distant locations and staying in places they’ve only seen in pictures before!


Want a new way to express your love? Bag it!

So rapper Jay Z bought wife and pop music superstar Beyonce a whole lot of designer bags to express his love. News has it that he spent a goodly sum of $350,000 over these bags and purses. True love, indeed! Jay Z, millionaire several times over, didn’t invest on just any old bag for his lady love. He bought a set of the world-famous, exclusive collector item Birkin bags from Hermes, which cost about $150,000 each.

Why So Much Generosity?

Well, it’s kind of understandable – apparently, Beyonce spent about $2 million on a gift for Jay Z on his 41st birthday. Her choice for him was the fastest road car in the world, the Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport. So the $350,000 that Jay Z blew on Birkin bags was definitely due, considering that he has been the recipient of such generosity. Totally understandable, one could say.

How Would You Go About It?

So if your wife or girlfriend were to gift you something amazing and totally expensive, what would you do? We have a better idea. Go to and pick up gift cards from Hidesign and Holii bags. They may not be the same as Birkin but these are world-class bags made to superior design, aesthetically appealing. What’s more, these bags are available in all possible colors, which is a first for India.

Splurge all you want on your gift card, enough for her to buy several Hidesign and Holii bags. You can do this anytime, and not just in response to her gift! Experience the true pleasure of gift giving via


A sapphire ring hidden within a Grand Piano

Jude Law, the famous and charismatic British actor apparently wanted to give his ex-girlfriend Sienna Miller a grand ring. What he did was to buy a restored baby grand piano and hid the large diamond and sapphire ring inside it. How about that for a pleasant and unexpected surprise! Wonder what Sienna thought about it – which one did she like more, the piano or the diamond and sapphire ring? Just on the offside, the ring cost a cool $200,000!

Of Course It’s The Ring She Liked!

Which woman can say no to a multiple-carat diamond and sapphire ring made out of white gold? The sparkle of the large white diamond amidst the white gold, offset by the deep mysterious blue of the rich sapphire – who can resist that? So what if it was hidden in the restored grand piano? It’s a ring she can wear and cherish for a lifetime!

Bring Out The Jude Law In You!

This is a cool way to surprise your girlfriend or wife if she is a trifle upset with you. Log on to and order a sizeable gift card from D’dmas. Visit a D’dmas outlet and check out how much a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring in white gold costs. That will help you buy a gift card of the correct value.

Hide Your Gift And Surprise Her!

Hide your gift card inside of another gift and surprise her with it. To give her a hint to your intentions, we suggest that you place a picture of a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring from one of these brands along with your card! What better way to say “you are the love of my life”!


A limited edition Art Book for a gift

That young, dashing actor from The 70’s Show, Ashton Kutcher and his ex-wife actress Demi Moore have exchanged some spectacular gifts over time. The most imaginative and evocative gift of them all was the Peter Beard Limited Edition Art Book that Ashton gifted Demi.

What’s This Book All About?

This limited edition art book is a compilation of photographs that depict the African travels of the famous traveler Peter Beard. Peter Beard is also a famous photographer and artist, apart from being an avid traveler. His exclusive pictures of the exquisite sights of Africa were compiled into a 500-page book, of which only 2,250 copies were ever printed. Well, that accounts for the hefty price tag attached to this book, a whopping $2500.

Granted, Ashton Kutcher is a man of taste. He certainly gave his wife a gift to treasure and remember. A book, as the wise ones say, is worth a hundred bars in gold. A book contains knowledge, which is the most precious gift you can bestow on anyone.

It’s A Grand Idea, Why Not Act On It?

When your wife’s or girlfriend’s birthday rolls around this year, here’s what we suggest. Check out great books from Landmark in fiction & non-fiction categories. Buy a Landmark gift card from, and include suggested titles for her in your gift message. If she’s into photography and art or interested in anything under the sun, Landmark is sure to have volumes of books to enjoy in her area of interest. Maybe this will turn into a nice little hobby that the two of you can enjoy – browsing and collecting fine books from around the world.


To Drip Diamonds and Rubies

Apparently David Beckham and wife Victoria Beckham (former singer in the Spice Girls band) are at it again. Victoria gifted David a £265,000 ($428,000) worth Rolls-Royce Phantom, the world’s most luxurious car over Christmas 2011. David, not to be left behind, returned the favor in equal measure. What was his gift to her? Well, this time it was a diamond necklace worth £1.2 million.

A Gift Worthy Of A Queen

This fancy necklace by jeweler Boucheron is made of white gold, with a pendant formed of two huge rubies and a diamond. This one necklace has more than a 100 glorious blood-red rubies sitting amongst the diamonds. After all, the Beckhams are modern-day pop royalty, and it’s perfectly all right for them to splurge like this.

What Did You Get For Your Queen?

It’s a great idea, to gift fabulous jewelry to your wife. Seeing a finely designed necklace or bangle is a sure way to make her swoon. Make a special effort for her birthday this year. Or, surprise her over Diwali with your own version of David’s gift. Buy her a gift card from Tanishq, and let her select an exquisite piece of white gold and diamond jewelry. Tanishq’s stringent quality standards ensure that the diamonds you buy are of the first class, completely non-conflict, and perfect in cut, clarity and carat weight. Yes, do suggest that your wife pick up an exquisitely crafted necklace. It will be a great treat to see your wife enjoying the envious glances showered on her by friends and relatives.


Special Anniversaries with Woohoo!

Our 10th wedding anniversary was coming up and we wanted to share this day with our near and dear ones. As we got down to inviting them, our parents surprised us with a visit and blessing us, lavished us with gifts.  As we unwrapped our gifts, we were spellbound to receive gift vouchers for both of us from Gitanjali Jewels, with beautiful and thought provoking personal messages. We thanked them from the bottom of our hearts. They left us to our jobs soon after, but not before we promised to redeem our gifts before the D-day.

Jazz up you Day with Gitanjali Jewels

Most of the preparations for the big day were over; the venue was set up and delicious cuisines arranged. It definitely felt very special to be receiving a Gitanjali Gift voucher, more so from our parents. We were excited as kids and were raring to go and select it. What a range of products Gitanjali gifts had to offer! Jewellery in every possible way, with gold, embedded with diamonds, platinum and silver jewelry, gold coins, and fashion jewelry. Not to forget beautiful wrist watches, solitaires, and spiritual artifacts. We were spoilt for choice!

The party started and as predicted, our parents walked in first with the most exquisite flowers. My husband showed off his platinum band with much joy. My gift was a pair of gorgeous diamond danglers which sparkled in the moonlight! We also managed to get the idol of Trilokpati Ganeshji for our home.  Our parents were much delighted at our choice of gifts. What a novel way to be gifted on your wedding day! – Shilpa Aggarwal
