Weddings in India are huge and full of fun. But when it comes to gifts, sometimes it’s the same old story – too many casseroles & showpieces and not enough surprises. So, we asked ourselves a vital question: Is there a way to make wedding gifts as memorable as the weddings themselves?
With this curiosity, Woohoo conducted The Great Indian Wedding Gift Survey at a pan-India level through December 2023. Commissioned amongst a diverse group of participants, including gift card users & non-users, we sought authentic voices to understand individuals’ wedding gift preferences, qualms and excitements. Our aim was straightforward: we wanted to understand what truly brings joy to the hearts of newlyweds, beyond the conventional cascade of casseroles and frying pans.
The participants certainly spoke up, sharing their honest thoughts, their enjoyment, and their frustrations about the repetitiveness of wedding gifts in India’s big wedding celebrations.
Now, the big news – the results are in! We are beyond thrilled with the overwhelming and insightful responses we have received.
The findings? They’re more than just interesting — They are an eye-opener for anyone who seeks to transform their gifting game. The revelations endorse our belief that everybody deserves a gift that’s as special and unique as their relationship. It’s no longer about how many casseroles or frying pans one can amass, but about gifting with thoughtfulness and personal touch.

And now, the moment awaits where you can dive into these revelations yourself. The full wedding gift survey results are live here for you to explore. Peek into the minds and hearts of others just like you and see what a future of inspired gifting could look like.
Find out what we discovered by visiting our survey results. This isn’t just about data; it’s about taking a step closer to transforming wedding gifting into an art form that reflects how unique every couple, every celebration, and every love story is.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. Here’s to changing the landscape of wedding gifts, one insight at a time!