Yes – A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee!

A cup of hot mocha latte with a charming swirl of rich cream on top – who can resist it? Add to it the ambience, lovely selection of rich, mouthwatering pastries and the company of jolly friends – doesn’t that sound like heaven to you? A Café Moments gift card from Café Coffee Day can create this perfect scenario for you and your friends, whenever you feel like it. If friendship is the best gift one can offer, then the Café Moments gift card is the very symbol of everything that friendship represents. This Diwali, the Café Moments card stands for more than friendship! It stands for the sweetness of love and family too! Yes, indeed, a great deal can happen over coffee!

So what’s happening this Diwali at Café Coffee Day? Order a Café Moments gift card for your special friend or family member, and what do they get along with it? A box of delicious, mouthwatering, sinful and irresistible box of Cadbury’s Dark Magic chocolate. So perfect for Diwali, so perfect for friendship, and so perfect if you want to tell that special person how much you care. The offer is valid only on purchase of Rs. 500 or more. So how about sending the colorful and tempting-looking Café Moments gift card to your friend this Diwali? Wouldn’t you just love to listen to their excited screams when they unwrap the package to find a box of Dark Magic along with the card? So go ahead – spread some dark magic around. What’s more, Café Coffee Day has many recurring offers for those who have the Café Moments card. To us, that’s like a gift that never stops surprising.
